Friday 8 June 2007

Unbelieveably Embarrassing Fooball Arse-ups - UEFA

from RAWKblog

We are in the words of the same man, the best of fans - the worst of fans.

William, it was really a lie..

UEFA (Unbeliveably Embarrassing Football Arse-ups) have leaked a press release saying that there has been more trouble with Liverpool fans than any other over the last four years. This includes the 2005 final when the total sum of Liverpool fans arrested after the Istanbul final was….. 0. Yep, none. This was after UEFA Spokesman William Gaillard confirmed we were great fans, no trouble, the best of the lot.

Yesterday a UEFA spokesman confirmed that undercover cops had found that Liverpool fans were the most badly behaved over the last 4 years in Europe.

The spokesman’s name ? Oh, William Gaillard.

Blame the English, it’s free and easy…

This from an organisation that routinely ignores and trivialises the racist chanting, the nazi salutes, the stabbings, the shootings, the murders even from other supporters… This from an organisation that ignores the togetherness of gestures like Liverpool fans placing a memorial banner at the shrine to the Olympiakos fans crushed, at Athens last week.

Make no mistake, no real Liverpool fan will condone the stealing of tickets, the rushing of barriers and loutish behaviour. Nor would any Manchester United fan at Lille, or any real PSV fan at those of their ilk chanting racist slogans, or the ultras who kill or stab. Any football team will have fans who are bad for the game. But to suggest that Liverpool are the worst ? Or that UEFA have no blame for planning a match at a stadium where fans can get in with boarding passes ? Or pepsi cups ?

A great new advert the soft drink’s company “Drink Pepsi, see football for free”….

Then again this is an organisation that saw fit to host a final at Heysel, against all advice from security, police and footballing organisations.

And this is an organisation headed by a man who saw fit to celebrate the winning of the European Cup at that tragic place by running round the arena, carrying a cup and gloating whilst the stench of the dead lay heavy over the pitch.

Hypocrisy, insensitivity and underhanded high mindedness. Once again shame is heaped on football but this time the stink comes from on high.

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